Welcome to Additional Resources--Websites
There is a growing worldwide interest in the interrelated themes of cosmic conflict, pain and suffering, the true nature of God's character, the ultimate eradication of evil and God's way of setting things right. On this page we intend to bring together a growing list of those books, authors, presentations and websites that sometimes speak in a way similar to Dr. Tonstad. Please do not assume that Dr. Tonstad necessarily agrees with every position or viewpoint taken, but the resource shown does address some of these issues in a way you may find helpful in thinking through these important matters. If you have suggestions for resources that should be here please let us know by using the Feedback page.
GodsCharacter.com: "The Character of God--All Good. All the Time."
ReKnew.org: "invites believers and skeptics alike to ask tough questions and consider a renewed picture of God and of his kingdom."
Pineknoll.org: "the most important of all Christian beliefs is...the truth about our Heavenly Father that was confirmed at such cost by the life and death of His Son."
Ntwrightonline.org: "Renewing minds through Biblical teaching."
Ntwrightpage.com: A selection of sermons, articles, videos, interviews and book reviews
Comeandreason.com: "dedicated to helping you learn to discern, to stimulate you to think, to help hone and refine your reasoning powers"
BrianZahnd.com: "I was in Cana and the wine had run out. I needed Jesus to perform a miracle."
Renewedheartministries.com: "passionate about rediscovering, following and helping others rediscover the teachings and sayings of the historical Jesus."
Robbell.com: Books, Films, Events, Podcast
Richardbauckham.co.uk: Books, Sermons, Essays, Poetry, Children's Stories